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Case Report

Sudan J Paed. 2023; 23(1): 104-107

Chyluria: clearing the ‘muddiness’ with lipiodol lymphangiography

Pushpinder S. Khera, Pawan K. Garg, Gautam R. Choudhary, Tushar Suvra Ghosh, Sarbesh Tiwari, Bharat Choudhary.


Chyluria is a rare entity characterised by the presence of chyle/lymphatic fluid within the urine. It develops following an abnormal communication between the perirenal lymphatics and pelvicalyceal lymphatics. There are multiple causes of chyluria including infective (filariasis), post-traumatic, post-surgical, pregnancy and malignancy. We present a case of a 15-year-old male who presented with a complaint of the intermittent passage of milky urine for the preceding 1 year. Conventional lipiodol lymphangiography followed by cone beam computed tomography was done to look for abnormal fistulous channels. Subsequently, the patient was successfully treated with cystoscopy-guided renal pelvic instillation sclerotherapy of povidone-iodine.

Key words: Chyluria; Conventional lipiodol lymphangiography; Lympho-pelvicalyceal fistula.

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