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Research Article

EEO. 2021; 20(5): 1137-1146

Politeness Strategies in Negative Response to Criticism in the Javanese Cultural Community

Edy Jauhari, Dwi Purnanto.


This articles studies the politeness strategies that are used in negative response to criticism in the Javanese cultural community. The goal is to explain the cultural norms that regulate the way in which people in the Javanese cultural express a negative response to criticism, to discover thetype of contexts in which direct/ indirect strategies are used. The data collected by the DCT. The contexts of negative response were determined based on ±Power (±P), ± sosial Distance (±D), and ±Direct Criticicism (±DC). The results of the analysis show that if a context contains (+P), the use of a direct strategy is very low. On the contrary, if a context contains (-P), the choice of the negative response strategy tends to be influenced by the use of the criticism strategy (±DC). If the critic uses a direct strategy (+DC), the recipient also tends to use a direct strategy. If the critic uses an indirect strategy (-DC), the recipient also tends to use an indirect strategy. It can be concluded, therefore, that the type of negative response strategy used to respond to criticism in the Javanese cultural is determined by the parameter (±P).

Key words: negative response to criticism, Javanesecultural community, direct strategy, indirect strategy.

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