Uncontrollable bleeding constitutes nearly half of all deaths in the military field while in hospitals and the second cause of deaths due to trauma patient. It is important to stop bleeding early regardless of its size, cause. The inadequacy of hemostasis can lead to various bleeding complications so hemostatic agents are widely used all over the world. In our study, naturally occurring diatomite components from algae fossils were obtained through various processes as a topical hemostatic agent with hemostatic effect. The in vivo hemostatic effects of processed diatomite (PD) components is compared with the product commonly used as hemostatic agent chitosan (CeloxR) in this rat study. A randomized and controlled animal experimental study. The study was performed in the Experimental Research Center and 22 male Wistar albino rats. Rats were divided into 3 groups as follows: the control group (n=6), direct gauze compression was applied to the bleeding area without medication; the PD group (n=8), direct compression was applied with PD powder; and the chitosan group (n=8), direct compression was applied with chitosan powder. PD and chitosan groups were found to have a significantly lower bleeding rate (6 (100%)) than the control group (1 (12.5%) and 4 (50%) respectively). The mean time to stop bleeding in the control group was 305.00 ± 15.34 sec. , when it is 78.75 ± 22.32 sec., in the PD group, and chitosan group was determined as 101,25 ± 39,07 seconds. As a result, The PD is a useful topical agent because of its superior hemostatic effects and usefulness. PD demonstrated a more potent hemostatic efficacy than Chitosan due to its higher unique surface area. Therefore, the PD administered onto the wound could terminate bleeding.
Key words: Diatomite, algae fossils, chitosan, hemostatic agent