Advanced writing skills are an important aspect of college performance as well as of subsequent workrelated performance. However, Tamil Medium and rural students rarely attain advanced scores on assessments of writing skills. In order to achieve higher levels of writing performance, the working memory demands of writing processes. The students works are sufficiently kept in the libraries, although to distribute those is much more worthy. Therefore, it is necessary to improve the students writing skills through a meaningful way namely writing paper commentary. This review paper is therefore intended to discuss ways of improving students writing skills through writing papers. The problem in this research contents is about the low proficiency of students skill in writing and learning activity. The students are expected to have some knowledge of listening, speaking, reading and writing skills. To teach English to the Tamil medium and rural students requires a special care, patience and skill. Certain strategies have to be adopted to enhance their overall improvement and betterment in acquiring English language skills. Writing habits should be inculcated for enhancing the communication skills. Motivation and team work is a very important factor to improve the students competency in acquiring the language skills.
Key words: Writing Skills, Improvement, ELT, Action Research, Medium, Communication Skills