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Research Article

EEO. 2020; 19(4): 6567-6576

Lora Wan Based Building Management And Monitoring System

K.Sangeetha, R.Lakshmidevi, V.Chitra, K.Sivasankari.


This paper depicts the idea of Building Management System based on LORA WAN for structures with enormous scope robotization framework. The idea establishment is to construct a control framework data set as an augmentation of Building Information Modeling (BIM) .Second establishment of the idea is to authorize a bunch of rules utilized in building computerization dispatching stage and BMS framework development stage, which guarantees rationality between mechanization subsystems. The element with recognizes the idea from the idea utilized for office space structures is take into account limitless number of individual sensor designsProposed in the paper idea for BMS framework which screens the natural factors, for example, temperature, fire, gas, vibration and dampness effectively executed with LORA WAN by utilizing PIC microcontroller.

Key words: LoRa; Automation; PIC; Automation; BMS

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