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Research Article

EEO. 2021; 20(6): 2951-2967

Consumer Perception Towards Goods And Services Tax In Uttarakhand

Dr. Fakhruddin Rahi.


There have been reforms in Indian indirect tax system from time to time, but there were problems in state and inter-state indirect tax which were not possible to solve it. Today, all over the world the service sector has overtaken to production sector in GDP. From this it seemed that the way the service sector is progressing, this old indirect tax system was acting as a compulsion in that sector somewhere. Many Countries, have adopted the GST to remove the various barriers as state and centre. The Goods and Services Tax system was implemented more than 165 developed and developing countries. The times need to be included in the Indian indirect tax system has been discussed by the Indian government for last two decades, but due to political interference, this tax structure could not be applicable. In the last year 2017, this system was adopted as reforms in the Indian indirect tax system. Many indirect taxes were included in this. It was seen with the hope of being transparent, simple and capable of removing the cascading effect of tax. In this paper, an attempt has been made to understand the level of awareness of people and what they think about this system. And what are perceived after the implementation of GST.

Key words: Indirect Tax , GST, Tax Structure, Reforms

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