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Fundam Appl Agric. 2021; 6(1): 19-26

Willingness of people to participate in cropping pattern change projects: Factor analysis of participation indices

Iman Islami, Asghar Farajollahi, Ebrahim Karimi Sangchini.


Participation of farmers in cropping pattern change projects (CPCP) guarantee success in soil and water conservation projects. Authorities in natural resources face many challenges for the successful management of soil and water in different areas of the Iran, challenges that basically threaten natural resources. Particularly in management programs, it is tried to not only justify the program’s economy but also to draw people acceptance. This research attempts to determine farmer’s participation in CPCP and to deliver solutions to enhance their level of participation in the Baneh of Kurdistan province. Farmers were interviewed individually with questionnaires for further analysis. According to Cochran formula and a field based study, a total of 86 farmers were selected randomly from the farmer community of the Namshir. Analysis showed that six factors make up 67.19% of the total variability indicating that high percentage of variance could be explained by these factors. Factor analysis showed that cognitive-communication factor (with the Eigen value of 3.484 and 17.41%) comparatively had the highest variability. Psychological deterrence factors including motivational, economical, operational and assurance received the second to sixth positions in terms of effectiveness in participants’ willingness to take part in CPCPs in Kurdistan province. Therefore, In order to participate of farmers in the CPCP, their economic issues and welfare should be considered by the relevant executive organizations, and by increasing their awareness, their voluntary and motivated participation should be attracted.

Key words: Participation, willingness factors, cropping pattern change, factor analysis.

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