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AAM. 2024; 13(2): 131-136

Tantrayukti in relation to Vakya Yojana and Artha Yojana

Linjusha Nebu ,Arun R Vaidya.


“Tantra” or Sastra means science or subject being dealt with or the content of the topic being written in the form of a book or treatise. “Yukti” means Yojana or proper arrangement or compiling. Tantrayukti means skillfully assembling the topic of a subject in a methodological way. Tantrayukti is a device or technique for precise understanding of treatises in Sanskrit language. Ayurvedic treatises were composed in Sutra form and the scholars felt it difficult for understanding. Proper understanding of Ayurveda treatises helps in maintaining health and for curing the diseases. Just like the light removes the darkness in home, with Tantrayukti meaning of difficult topic becomes lucid. Vakhya Yojana means rearrangement of sentences to get the correct message of the sentences. Artha Yojana means rearrangement of word meaning which is not clear or fit to the reference. The objects of device are to help in the acceptability of any explanation and to avoid the view which is not acceptable in particular reference. The present article deals with the brief description of Tantrayukti in relation to Vakhya Yojana and Artha Yojana.

Key words: Tantrayukti. Vakya Yojana, Artha Yojana.

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