In todays world, women entrepreneurs play an imperative role and they have become central figure of the global business environment and it is really important for the inexorable monetary progression and social progress. Though women play a vital role in the society still their entrepreneurial capabilities have not been appropriately tapped due to the inferior position of women in Indian society. The foremost purpose of this article is to find out the status of women entrepreneurs in India and it also focuses on rationale grounds behind women entrepreneurship. Furthermore, the present paper focuses on the analysis of Indian Government policies on women entrepreneurship and also to analyze those policies which are adequate for the growth of women entrepreneurship. Main reasons for women to become an entrepreneur, the institutions that are serving the women, to put their views into action are also included in this study. On the basis of this study some suggestions are given to encourage spirit of women entrepreneurship to become a successful entrepreneur.
Key words: Women, Entrepreneurship, Struggle, Success.