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Research Article

EEO. 2020; 19(4): 6521-6532

Investor’s Perception Towards Long Term Financial Plan

Dr.K.Maran, R.Guna, Mr. Srivatsan R, Prof. MIM. Hilal.


Investment is a vast area of facts, principles and theories dealing with various ways of raising and using it by individuals and others. It deals with how individuals and companies divide their business income between consumption and how to choose from among the available investment opportunities and how they raise money for increased consumption or investment. It also encompasses the study of financial Markets, institutions and activities of Government, with stress on those aspects relating to financial decisions of individuals and companies. In fact investment is so indispensable, that it is rightly said that Investment is the Life Blood of an Enterprise. Investment plays a very important role it also helps in the growth of GDP of our country, and there is a need to study investor’s perception towards long term financial plan.

Key words: Investor’s ,Perception ,Financial Plan etc

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