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Research Article

EEO. 2021; 20(5): 801-806

Technology of forming an intersubjective position in a high school student

Olga E. Burova, Ideya I. Proshina, Olga V. Bashun, Veronika N. Efimenko.


The successful socialization of a school graduate requires development of their specific characteristics. The study aims to describe the technology of forming an intersubjective position in a high school student. The process includes the stages of intraposition, interposition, and sociocultural position; their substages are diagnostic, motivational, goal-setting, planning, content-technological, reflective-analytical. The questionnaire “Criteria and indicators of the ISP” determined the increased level of the intersubjective position and its individual criteria; reflection assessed each student’s achievements. The stage-by-stage implementation of the program “My socially significant position” contributed to the ISP formation. The intersubjective approach is considered new to the ISP formation.

Key words: High school student, intersubjective position, technology, intersubjective approach

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