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Research Article

EEO. 2021; 20(5): 461-467

Relationship between Organizational Commitments and Job Performance of University Teachers

Khadija Sittar,*Tahira Afridi, Sumaira Munawar, Rabeeya Raoof.


Organizations always search for such organizational designs that will help and facilitate employees to do their work in a more efficient and effective way.The relationship of organizational commitment and the job performance of the teacher cannot be ignored while talking about the improvement of university as an organization. This research was designed to explore the relationship of organizational commitment and job performance of university teachers. Quantitative approach was selected and correlation research design was used. The sample of the study was four hundredteachers of public and private universities of Central Punjab. Research instruments were used for data collection. Pearson product moment was applied to examine the correlation between organizational commitments with job performance at university level. Mean and standard deviation was calculated. One-way ANOVA and independent samples t-test were used to find the significance difference among demographic variables. The findings of the study indicated that there was a weak positive correlation between organizational commitments with job performance of the university teachers. Thus this study recommends that the universities may provide resources to foster employee growth, learning and development to increase the employeesÂ’ engagement and organizational commitment.

Key words: organizational commitment, job performance

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