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Research Article

EEO. 2021; 20(4): 574-586

Integrated language skills materials and varied activities to improve students’ speaking skills

Hilma Safitri, Zainal Rafli, Ratna Dewanti.


This study aims to improve students’ speaking skills through the implementation of integrated language skills materials and varied activities at the English Literature Study Program of Pamulang University. Based on the initial data collected, it was found that the students did not master the use of grammar, vocabulary and pronunciation to comprehend and to speak fluently. The students became unconfident to speak. This concern led to a study design of action research conducted in a one-semester course. To maximize the results of the study, a task-based learning model was adapted. The participants were 15 students in their third semester. The data are taken from the oral tests and observation. The findings reveal that the students’ speaking skills significantly improve. The average Speaking scores are based on the aspects assessed: grammar, vocabulary, pronunciation, comprehension, and fluency. In cycle 1, students who achieved average score ≥ 70 was only 13.33%, and in cycle 2 was 40%. Within those two cycles, less than 70 % of the students’ average scores were below 70, which means they couldn’t meet the criterion of learning completeness. However, in cycle 3 more than 75% of the students achieved their speaking score ≥ 70 which suits the learning completeness criterion. To see the overall progress throughout semester pre-test and post-test were compared and discussed further in this paper.

Key words: Integrated language, materials, speaking skills, task-based learning.

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