The role of brands is critical in signaling products/services characteristics and attributes to consumers, with reliable products/services and the experience of unrecognizable attributes. External signs should the brand become a single meaningful sign of quality for easier recognition by consumers. It is very role-playing to find the brand to convey the core values and the quality of the products/services to all customers and the outside market; organizations need to build a full and robust brand image and identity strong. Therefore, this article aims to provide a concept and best conception of the brand image and its role for public universities and students, help public universities understand brands, and apply them to build a sustainable brand. This study determinesfactors affecting public universitiesÂ’ brand image in Ho Chi Minh City (HCMC). The study surveyed 700 studentsstudying at sevenpublic universities in HCMC, but 635 samples processed and answered 31items. The data collected from August 2020 to November 2020.The author tested with Structural Equation Model (SEM). Finally, sevenfactors affecting the brand image of public universities in HCMC with a significance level of 0.01.
Key words: Brand, image,public, university,and SGU.