The Instagram features the beauty of female from different countries. This account clearly wants to show that female beauty is a prerogative of women to show it. Beauty is who she is, and her pride in all the experiences she has been through. This research aims to find out the meaning of beauty from different cultures in the world displayed through Mihaela Noroc's point of view in Instagram account This research seeks to uncover the meaning of beauty in different hemispheres. To help reveal the meaning of this beauty, the Roland Barthes's semiotic method was utilised. Meaning is explained through signs of denotation, connotations, and myths. Based on the results of the research conducted, there are various forms of female beauty. Interestingly, some of the major findings that were revealed are, women is beautiful because of her work and women are beautiful for upholding their culture. The conclusion of this study is the beauty presents or exists because women understand who she is and dare to show it.
Key words: The meaning of beauty, Instagram, The Atlas of Beauty, semiotic, women