The popularity of work from home culture can be seen from the fact that in USA and UK many of the IT and ITES based companies are offering the option of work from home along with the incentive of installing required devices to perform the job, in the initial years of 21st century. India, most of the companies belonged to BPO and basic job was telecalling, gradually many of other IT oriented companies joined the gamut. But in the pandemic period of COVI-19 the scenario underwent marked changet and the culture of work from home emerged as best preferred option. After March, 2020 most of the industries were locked down and then the focus of routine business was shifted to Work from Home, the initial thought was to keep the cycle running and keep the business culture alive but later on industries were required to work on specifics. According to the previous studies there were some flaws in the equilibrium of desired and performed work, and this was going to affect the working of organizations in the long run. This present study was conducted to evaluate the scenario of work from home during the period of pandemic of COVID-19 and also to find the associate pros and cons of the same. The focuswass on engineering and manufacturing industry of Gujarat. The respective sample size of the study is 200 respondents and SPSS Ver. 22.0 is used to test the hypothesis.
Key words: Work from home, COVID-19, errors and mistakes in work, implications.