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Research Article

EEO. 2021; 20(4): 307-319

Micropolar Squeeze Film Lubrication Analysis between Rough Porous Elliptical Plates and Surface Roughness Effects under the MHD

Brinda Halambi, Hanumagowda B.N.


The present article theoretically analyses the impact of surface roughness and micropolar lubricant between two elliptical plates under the application of an external transverse magnetic field. An upper plate has a smooth surface, and a fixed lower plate has a porous material and roughness pattern. The film region of thickness H1, composed of a nominal smooth and rough component, bridges the gap between the bearings and is filled with a nonNewtonian micropolar lubricant that is viscous, incompressible, and electrically conducting. For a one-dimensional longitudinal roughness pattern, the related stochastic Reynolds equation is obtained in the film region and solved analytically.Squeeze film characteristics, such as pressure distribution, load- carrying capacity, and squeeze film time of the bearings approach, are analyzed in the results. Squeeze film characteristics are increasing significantly for nonNewtonian micropolar and large roughness parameters and Hartmann numbers. These, on the other hand, are decreasing compared to the corresponding classical case for increasing permeability parameters. Nevertheless, as with the magnetic field, the higher values of the fluid gap number and coupling number also improve the lubrication properties.

Key words: micropolar, Porous Elliptical Plates, magnetic field

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