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RMJ. 2019; 44(4): 797-800

Effectiveness of core stability with and without neck extension on pain intensity and functional disability in patients with chronic low back pain

Farwah Batool, Waqar Afzal, Ashfaq Ahmad, Syed Amir Gilani.


Objective: To determine the effects of core stability with and without neck extension on pain intensity and functional disability in patients with chronic low back pain (CLBP).
Methodology: This randomized controlled trial was conducted at Allied Hospital, Faisalabad. The inclusion criteria were diagnosed patients with CLBP of either gender and age between 25-50 years. Those who had any systemic disease like diabetic neuropathy or renal disease were excluded. A total of 114 participants were randomly divided in 2 groups. One group underwent core stability exercise while second group had neck extension and core stability exercise. Twelve sessions were given for consecutive 4 weeks. VAS and ODI Questionnaire were used as outcome measures. SPSS version 24 was used for analysis of results.
Results: Male were 19(36.5%) and female 33(63.5%) in group 1 while 18(35.3%) were male and 33(64.7%) were females in group 2. VAS values (P˂0.000) and functional disability (P˂0.000) both were significantly improved within group subjects. Comparison between groups showed that there was significant difference in VAS values at 12 sessions (P˂0.00) while in ODI at 4 sessions (P˂0.002). In Group 2, there was more decrease in VAS values (P˂0.000) and improves ODI values (P˂0.000).

Conclusion: Neck extension with core stability exercises was more effective in decreasing pain and functional disability in patients with CLBP.

Key words: Core stability, Neck extension, pain intensity, functional disability, chronic low back pain.

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