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Research Article

EEO. 2021; 20(5): 443-446

Implementing Blended Learning Technology "Flipped Class" on the Basis of the Platform "Ted-Ed"

Rakhimova Khilola Kadambaevna, ShomuratovaIntizor Bekchanqizi, Rakhimova Laylo Muminboevna, Djumaniyazova Zilola Navfalqizi, Abdullayeva Shohista Amatchonovna, Farkhodova Gullola Erkinovna.


Modern higher education is on the verge of changes due to a paradigm shift - the transition from classical to progressive. Nowadays, it is no longer possible to imagine an educational space without the use of information and communication technologies, in connection with which there is a need to revise the methods and approaches to teaching disciplines in higher educational institutions. The concept of higher education should correlate with the requirements of society, in particular the employer, for a graduate of a university. A graduate of the XXI century is a subject of his activity, possessing the necessary competencies for the successful realization of himself in society. Consequently, a higher education teacher faces the task of finding ways and means of integrating new learning formats into the educational process, thanks to which the student will be able to master the competencies of the XXI century. So, to improve the quality of learning, the authors of the article introduce one of the components of the blended learning model - the “flipped classroom”. This article presents the concept of the "flipped classroom" technology, examines the possibilities of using this technology with the use of the educational platform "TED-Ed", which, in turn, makes it possible to implement the modern requirements of the professional orientation of the implementation of information technologies in the educational context. The authors of the article have tested this technology within the framework of the "Integration of language Skills" academic discipline, intended for independent and classroom work of 2nd year students studying in the "Foreign Language and Literature" direction. Conclusions are made regarding the effectiveness of this approach. Thus, the application of the technology "flipped classroom" allowed to improve learning outcomes and improve the skills of students' autonomous learning. In general, the authors consider the use of both the technology itself and the TED-Ed resource as a great advantage, which lies in the possibility of their application in various fields of education.

Key words: Flipped Classroom,TED-Ed, blended learning strategy, Bloom’s Taxonomy, competence-based approach, autonomous learning.

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