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Research Article

EEO. 2021; 20(5): 404-414

The Underlying Effect of Risk Management On Banks' Financial Performance: An Analytical Study On Commercial and Investment Banking in Bahrain.

Mohammad Salem Oudat, Basel J. A. Ali.


The main purpose of the current research is to analysis selected financial risks and financial performance of commercial and investment banks listed on Bahrain stock exchange for the period 2015-2019. However, selected financial risks contain capital risk, liquidity and exchange rate risk, meanwhile the financial performance measured by return on equity. To achieve the research purpose the panel regression analysis of data approach was employed. While, for the data were collected from annual financial reports for the banks. An interesting findings were have been found for both models as concluded to there is insignificant relationships between capital risks, liquidity risks and exchange rate risk and financial performance for both models except the liquidity risk for investment banks found to be significant relationship with financial performance. Due to several limitations of the current research different suggestions might be driven for further researches such as conducting researches on another financial risks, another financial institutions and other financial performance measurements that not be covered in current research.

Key words: Financial Risks, Financial Performance, Commercial& investment banks, Bahrain.

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