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Student’s perception of objective structured practical examination versus traditional practical examinations for hematology physiology practicals

Revathi M.

Cited by 6 Articles

Background: Objective Structured Practical Examination (OSPE) is more objective, reliable, valid method for formative and summative assessment and minimizes subjective bias. The Traditional Practical Examination (TPE) relays on the global competencies and performance of the students. OSPE assesses the shows how aspects in Miller’s pyramid of competence.

Aims and Objectives: This study aims to introduce the OSPE for practical hematology in physiology for the first MBBS students and to analyze the first MBBS student’s perception of OSPE assessment for physiology hematology practical’s.

Materials and Methods: All the first MBBS 150 students of Meenakshi Medical College Hospital and Research Institute, Kanchipuram, were included in this study. OSPE was conducted for the students after training them about OSPE. The feedback of the OSPE examination was received from the students from a standard questionnaire.

Results: Fifty-nine students scored high who had >75%, 48 scored between 65% and 75%, 49 students scored between 50% and 65%, and four students were

Key words: Objective Structured Practical Examination; Hematology Practical’s; Traditional Practical Examination; Physiology

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