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Equijost. 2022; 9(2): 1-4

Analysis of Gossypol Content on Roots, Seeds, and Leaves of Cotton Plant (Gossypium hirsutum L.) cv. Kanesia 12

Dede Nuraida, Hernik Pujiastutik.


Plants have long been known to produce secondary metabolites that are useful for medicines, insecticides, etc. Gossypol is one of the secondary metabolites produced by cotton plants (Gossypium hirsutum L.). Gossypol plays a role in self-protection for plants, but it also has the potential a medicine. Gossypol is the main pigment found in lisigen glands scattered in some organs and tissues of cotton plants. The content of gossypol in each part of the cotton plant is different. This study aimed to analyze the content of gossypol compounds in three plant parts of Gossypium hirsutum L cv. Kannesia 12, including seeds, roots, and leaves. Gossypol was extracted using petroleum ether. The levels of gossypol were determined using the High-Performance Liquid Chromatography (HPLC) assay. The results showed all parts of Gossypim hirustum L. cv. Kanesia 12 contained gossypol at different levels. The highest gossypol content was found in the seeds (25.75µg/g), followed by the roots with 8.00µg/g, and the least gossypol content in leaves was 1.05µg/g.

Key words: Gossypol, Root, Seed, Leaves, Gossypium hirsutum

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