This study aims to explain the deradicalizationcommunication of IndonesianNational Police in the community of Former prisoner of Terrorism in Poso Regency. This study uses a qualitative approach and the method of data collection was in-depth interviews, observations, documentation studies and data related to the research theme. Research informants were selected based on considerations whether they are directly involved in the deradicalization program. This research shows that the de-radicalization communication carried out by the Indonesian National Police is interpersonal communication within the community using a persuasive and humanist approach, by maximizing the services needed by former prisoner of terrorism and their families, then conveying kamtibmas (piece and order in society) common messages, but implicitly it implies that inviting former prisoner of terrorism to maintain order and security, leaving behind the deviant behavior that violates social and legal norms.
Key words: de-radicalization, Indonesian National Police, communication, Bhabinkamtibmas