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Research Article

EEO. 2021; 20(3): 1706-1717

Correlation Of The Interaction Of Agricultural Production With The Volume Of Dehkanproduction In Uzbekistan

Bunyod Utanov, Baxtiyor Mamatkulov, Mavluda Akhmedova, Jahongir Murodov, Dilnoza Abdiqulova.


This article examines the problems of agriculture and agricultural production in Uzbekistan, the analysis and statistics of the World Bank.
The purpose of the scientific article is to analyze the dynamics of changes in agriculture in Uzbekistan in 2000-2019, to analyze the impact of agricultural production on agricultural production by economic and mathematical methods.
As a result of the research, the following conclusions were drawn:
Through the development of agriculture in the country, it is possible to increase the export potential of Uzbekistan, while preventing food risks;
An economic interpretation of the model parameters is possible - an increase in X by 1 unit of measure leads to an increase in Y by an average of 1.008 units. The obtained estimates of the regression equation allow us to use it for forecasting. With x = 11, Y will be in the range from 10.28 to 10.52 units and with a 95% probability it will not go beyond these limits

Key words: agriculture, export, agricultural products, agricultural land, agricultural production, fruit and vegetable products, cotton fiber.

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