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Research Article

EEO. 2021; 20(3): 1695-1698

Legal fact based on occurrence civil rights and obligations.

Bakhromjon Topildiev, Rustam Khursanov.


In civil law, the institution of "the emergence of civil rights and obligations" has its own characteristics. Civil rights and obligations differ from other types of legal relations in their origin and, moreover, in civil legal relations. These differences are associated, firstly, with the state of civil relations as "normal relations" and, secondly, with the fact that, in contrast to the rights and obligations in the field of law with a protective function, civil rights and obligations often arise from legal actions ... In civil law, which has a dispositive focus, the set of rights and obligations belonging to subjects, forming the content and structure of this area of law, necessitates determining the grounds for their formation and determining the types of these grounds.

Key words: trust, trust management, legislation, property, legal system, owner, element, law, contract.

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