Research Article |
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EEO. 2021; 20(3): 1687-1694 Regularities of Regulations on Impacting Irrigated Water LandLola Karshiboeva, Juraev Adham, Sattarov Sobidkhon, Ishankulova Komila, Zulfiya Madrahimova, Mukhayo Altiboeva, Rano Kurolova. Abstract | | | | "Regularities of norms on water absorption of irrigated lands" Considered the costs of filtration, through which the rate of water absorption by irrigated lands is estimated. Filtration estimates are considered through the difference between the distribution of velocities of clean and turbid water. To determine the regularity of the distribution of velocities over the depth of the pure flow, we will use the equation of motion.
Key words: Considered, Irrigation nutrition, Influence of irrigation, Results, filtration, land, distribution patterns, self-cleaning.