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Research Article

EEO. 2021; 20(3): 1514-1521

Ecologization Of Construction Activities: National and International Experience

Guzal Uzakova.


Today, in many countries of the world, along with the sharp demographic situation the level of urbanization is also increasing. The right of citizens to live is closely related to the provision of their right to land use, which is usually ensured in the process of land use within the administrative-territorial boundaries of states, where urban, rural and other types of settlements are located. The state of the environment in settlements is inextricably linked with the ecologization of the construction industry. For this reason, in this research work the issues of compliance with environmental requirements in the field of construction were studied in terms of urban planning and ecology. Thus, international legal documents, foreign experience and the national legislative base of the Republic of Uzbekistan were analyzed comparatively. The article also discusses the tasks of maintaining environmental quality in the construction industry, especially in the implementation of construction work in settlements. The author studied from a scientific and legal point of view the tasks of government agencies in the organization of green construction in urban, rural and other areas, public participation in governance, the benefits of developing a "green" economy, the introduction of low-waste technologies, as well as build an energy-efficient buildings and houses. This article also analyses scientific researches in the field of ecologization of the construction process. As a result of systematic studying the legislation of the Republic of Uzbekistan in the field of construction, the author scientifically and theoretically systematized the procedures for the ecologization of this field. Also, considered prospects for harmonization of national urban planning norms and rules with international norms and standards. In addition, developed a scientific and theoretical basis for achieving following the objectives, like the introduction of environmentally friendly innovative technologies to achieve the strategic goals of the Concept of Environmental Protection of the Republic of Uzbekistan until 2030, prevention and reduction of negative impact on the environment, ensuring the growth of environmentally oriented economy, application of "green" standards in construction activities, increasing the volume of construction of certified buildings and structures in the system of voluntary environmental certification of real estate.

Key words: construction activities, settlements, ecologization, sustainable development, "green" economy, low-waste technology, energy-efficient construction.

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