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Research Article

EEO. 2021; 20(3): 1468-1473

Sociopragmatic Description Of Narrative Movies And Their Communicative Intention

Mehriniso Kholmurodova.


The article deals with a communicative-pragmatic analysis of the participants in dialogue, facts, communication situation, conditions and linguistic integrity and their content. The degree of the elements of the systemic signals, the equilibrium between them, the communication are emphasized in the system-structural approach. The choice of linguistic units, the reasons for assigning them to a particular communicative, emotional-expressive role, are seen. In the communication process, the pragmatic submission of participants is exposed through unique forms of arrangement of the general and universal laws of communication, in particular in film stories, through dialog between fact, the addressee and the addressee.

Key words: sociopragmatics, communicative intention, speech act, pragmalinguistics, sociolinguistics, cognitive linguistics, speech tactics, reference, pragmatic competence, reference, presupposition

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