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Research Article

EEO. 2021; 20(3): 1418-1422

English As A Medium of Instruction in School of Arts

Yulduz Sherbekova, Sabina Makhmudova, Nasiba Normuradova, Ozoda Nuraliyeva, Mokhiya Beknazarova.


Nowadays, there are a lot of programs, projects and associations for developing the English language in Uzbekistan. To be specific, one of these associations is Uzbekistan teachers of English Association (UzTEA) which is organized in 1996 and has 14 branches in Uzbekistan. The main goal of this association is to enhance the role of teaching and learning English and to provide English teachers with necessary equipment and materials in Uzbekistan. UzTEA big resource center sin Samarkand and Fergana branches in 2002 according to the goals of this association. Therefore this association in order to exchange ideas and practices conducts different forums, systematic programs of methodology and linguistics, conferences and couces for developing the English language in Uzbekistan (Qobilova, 2018). Next in order, after implementing the decree of the first president of Uzbekistan in 2012, there is organized NSFLA system on the basis CEFR standard in Uzbekistan, which helps to English teachers to get CEFR standard levels. One more program is opening American Webster University in Uzbekistan in 2018, which offers student centered learning environment and prepares BA and MA students according to TESL program.

Key words: Music, teaching materials, assessment, evaluation, Material development, proposal, planning, teachers' and students' needs, curriculum, education centers, English for specific purposes, English as a foreign language, standards, cooperation.

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