This study was conducted to investigate the relationship between student athletes' career search behavior, career decision attitude, and self-determination. In this study, the survey respondents were asked to fill out a questionnaire, and the copies of the questionnaire were collected immediately after being completed by the respondents. After excluding some copies that were not sincerely filled out, 294 copies in total were used for the final analysis. The results obtained through this research process are as follows. First, a positive correlation was found between student athletes' career search behavior, career decision attitude, and self-determination. Second, career search behavior showed a statistically significant positive influence on career decision attitude. Third, career search behavior showed a statistically significant positive influence on self-determination. These results proved the justification for career search behavior before deciding on a career path. Therefore, this study concluded that it is necessary to provide career education and self-determination opportunities so that student athletes can make career decisions in the direction they desire.
Key words: Student Athletes, Career, Behavior, Attitudes, Maturity, Determination