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Research Article

EEO. 2021; 20(3): 871-877

The effect of beauty vocational training institutions on the satisfaction of trainees

*Bo-kyeung Kim, Yen-yoo You.


Background/Objectives: This study was intended to examine the impact of the educational environment on satisfaction among trainees of beauty vocational training institutions. The educational performance of beauty vocational training institutions was set to the satisfaction level of students and the influence of factors such as educational environment, teaching method, and instructor capacity was to be verified.
Methods/Statistical analysis: In order to establish theoretical concepts through the study of literature on prior research and to identify the variables in the educational environment and verify their impact on satisfaction, a research model and research theory will be established and an empirical analysis will be conducted through the questionnaire. We would like to analyze the relationship between independent variables such as educational environment and dependent variables such as teaching method and instructor competency's influence on trainee satisfaction. The survey was conducted on 180 beauty trainees in Seoul and Gyeonggi-do, and the collected data was analyzed using AMOS 22.0
Findings: The results of this study are as follows. The educational environment has been shown to have a significant effect on teaching methods and teaching competencies. The teaching method has been shown to have a significant definition effect on trainee satisfaction. In the competency section of the instructor, it was shown to have a significant negative effect on trainee satisfaction.
Improvements/Applications: This study confirmed that the educational environment factors and teaching skills are variables that affect the satisfaction of trainees. Therefore, in order to improve the satisfaction level of trainees at beauty training institutions, the quality of education should be improved first by improving the quality of education environment and developing various teaching methods.

Key words: vocational training, educational environment, teaching methods, instructor competency, satisfaction

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