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RMJ. 2020; 45(2): 323-326

The Correlation, Receiver-Operating Characteristics (ROC) analysis and percentiles: Validation of moral disengagement scale for adolescents

Saima Riaz, Zaqia Bano.


Objective: To investigate the construct and criterion validity of moral disengagement scale for adolescents and to establish the percentile norms of scale.
Methodology: Cross sectional research design was used and adolescents studying in educational institutes from age 12-19 years were included in the study which was carried out in three phases. In the first phase, construct related evidences of validity were collected by convergent and discriminant procedures. In the second phase, criterion validity was established by using Receiver-Operating Characteristic analysis (ROC). In the third phase, percentile norms were established and internal consistency was explored by item total correlation. Further reliability analysis was carried out.
Results: Correlation of Moral Disengagement scale for adolescent with Basic Empathy scale was inverse and significant (p

Key words: Adolescents, Construct related evidences of validity, Moral Disengagement, Percentiles, Receiver-Operating Characteristic analysis.

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