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AAM. 2019; 8(3-4): 94-103

Physicochemical Analysis of Swarnamakshika Bhasma Prepared by Two Different Methods

Sruthi Nambiar, Vinay R Kadibagil, Gazala Hussain.


Swarnamakshika(SM) is upadhatu of swarnamentioned under maharasa. Two main procedures for Swarnamakshika are using gandhaka(G) and hingula(H) as marakadravya where with gandhaka is said to be inferior. This study aims at evaluating difference between two methods and finding the better method amongst them.The analysis of raw (RSM), shodhita(SSM) and two samples of bhasma(SMG, SMH) were done using organoleptic evaluations, classic, modern and instrumental analytical methods. In pharmaceutical study, SMG and SMH took 22 Puta for Bhasmeekarana.Results of SEM-EDAX showed presence of Cu, Fe, S and elements like, Mg, Na, P, Ca, O, C etc.XRD showed that two bhasma are mainly oxides of iron, copper. SEM EDAX revealed that shodhana imbibed trace elements andbhasma samples contain similar elements, with the exception of Hg in SMH. XRD studies showed that bhasma contain mainly oxides of iron and copper. Hence considering yield, economy and particle size, SMG could be considered superior and gandhaka is better media. The current article highlights various protocols for analysis, and the significance of each procedure in standardisation of bhasma.

Key words: Rasashastra, Protocol, Bhasma, Standardisation, Swarnamakshika

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