Background: Bony orbit which lodges visual apparatus is a very important area for anthropologists, anatomist, forensic experts, as well as surgeons. Orbital diameters vary according to race, age, sex, food habits, climate, etc.
Objectives: The objectives of this study were to provide data regarding different orbital parameters in West Bengal population and also establish gender variation.
Materials and Methods: This study involved 100 dry skulls (70 males and 30 females) from the Department of Anatomy, Burdwan Medical College, West Bengal. Orbital height (OH) and orbital breadth (OB) have been taken of both the right and left orbit in male and female skulls. Orbital index (OI) was calculated by OH/OB*100. All these measurements were taken by Vernier caliper.
Results: Mean Orbital height in male 32.46 mm. (right), 31.86 mm.(left), in female 29.13 mm. (right), 32.57 mm. (left). Mean Orbital breadth in male 39.14 mm. (right), 38.77 mm. (left), in female 38.33 mm. (right.), 38.67 mm.(left). Orbital index in male was 82.93 mm.(right), 82.17 mm.(left), in female 76 mm.(right), 84.23 mm.(left). While comparing the right- and left-sided orbit in same skull, the OH is measured as 30.83 and 31.43 in the right and left side, respectively, OB 38.81 (rt.) and 38.75 (lt.) and OI remains 80.87 (rt.) and 81.05 (lt.) which categorizes the skulls to be microseme type.
Conclusion: Our study shows that the left orbit and male orbit have higher values in comparison to the right orbit and female orbit. This study also states that the West Bengal population falls under microseme category of skull classification. It is suggested to do further studies in different districts of West Bengal to get unbiased solid database.
Key words: Orbital Index; Microseme Category; Morphometry