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Investigation of Healthcare Satisfaction of Roma Living in Camps or Urban Complex of Central Greece

Stiliani Kotrotsiou, Dimitrios Theofanidis, Zoe Konstanti, Aristidis Vasilopoulos, Georgios Tsioumanis, Theodosios Paralikas.


Background: Roma in Greece face multiple discrimination, particularly in the areas of housing, education, employment and health. Objective: The aim of this study is to explore the perceptions and beliefs of Greek Roma living both in camps and in urban neighborhoods for public health structures as well as to assess their satisfaction with health care services. Methods: The study sample consisted of 185 subjects (94 females and 91 males) with a mean age of 39.8 years (SD = 15.7). Of the people involved in the study, 80 come from the settlement of Larissa and 105 from the camp of Tyrnavos. A special survey questionnaire, “The scale of attitudes, feelings and satisfaction of Roma health services”, was used for collecting the data. The statistical analysis was carried out using the SPSS statistical program. Results: The statistical indicators of the sample, taken together, indicate a moderate trend towards a negative escalation of attitudes, feelings and satisfaction of health services. Based on the t-test results for independent samples, the average score on the Roma satisfaction scale of the Larissa settlement (M = -0,41, SD = 0,74) was not found to differ, statistically significantly, from the Roma population of the Tyrnavos camp (M = -0,61, SD = 0,94), t (182) = 1,680 (p = 0,095). Conclusion: The results of this study, despite its reasonable limitations, lead to a redefinition of some views regarding the attitude of the Roma towards the public health and care system, as well as the needs created.

Key words: Roma, Health Services, Patient Satisfaction

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