Abstract: The heart is the engine for human life. Beating almost 100,000 times a day. More than 36 million times each year, endlessly pumping examines the heart as a muscle. Objectives: The study was to assess the knowledge regarding the coronary artery disease among the nursing students Materials & Methods: A quantitative approach with descriptive research design was used for the study. The sample consisted of 30 student nurses working in Narayana Nursing institution. The data was collected by using Non probability convenience sampling technique. Results: The majority of nursing students level of knowledge on Coronary artery disease, 21(70%) nursing students had D grade knowledge, 7(23.4%) nursing students had C grade knowledge, 1(3.3%) nursing student had B+ grade knowledge, 1(3.3%) nursing student had B grade knowledge. Conclusion: The study concluded that level of knowledge on Coronary artery disease, 21(70%) nursing students have D grade level of knowledge.
Key words: Keywords: Knowledge, Coronary artery disease, Nursing students