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Review Article

NNJ. 2019; 8(2): 40-43

A study to assess the mental health among geriatrics in Saraswaehi Nagar,Nellore

Asst.Prof., Mrs. B. Kalavathi; Ms. Dona Pappachan.


Abstract: Mental health is a state of balance between individual and surrounding world, a state of harmony between oneself and others. Mental health would include not only the absence of diagnostic labels such as schizophrenia and obsessive compulsive disorder, but also the ability to cope up with the stressors of daily living, freedom from anxieties and generally a positive outlook towards life’s vicissitudes and to cope up with those. Objectives : To assess mental health among geriatrics.To find out the association between mental health among geriatrics with their social demographic variables. Material and methods: A quantitative research approach and descriptive research designwas adopted. Study was conducted in Saraswathi Nagar Nellore. 100 geriatrics was selected by using convenience sampling technique. Mental health inventory questionnaire was used to assess the mental health among participants. Data was analyzed by using descriptive and inferential statistics. Results and conclusion: The mental health of geriatrics 80(80%) were having positive mental health, 20(20%) were having negative mental health. So there is a need for providing a health awareness program and mental health services to the geriatrics in Saraswathi
Nagar, Nellore.

Key words: Key words: Mental Health, Geriatrics and Assessment.

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