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Research Article

EEO. 2021; 20(3): 262-270

Impact of Interactive Pedagogies on Students’ Academic Achievement in Mathematics at Elementary School Level in Quetta City, Balochistan.

Dr. Alia Ayub,Dr. Rani Gul, Dr Misbah Malik, Prof. Dr. Muhammad Yousuf Sharjeel, Dr. Maroof Bin Rauf.


This proposed research tested the impact of interactive pedagogies (demonstration and discussion pedagogies) on students’ academic achievement in Mathematics at elementary school level. This study was limited to Quetta city of Baluchistan, Pakistan. This study was emphasized, to analyse the current pedagogies in use at elementary Mathematics’ classrooms, to highlight the difficulties which students are facing in understanding the Mathematics, to explore the impact of interactive pedagogies on students’ academic achievement in Mathematics and to find out the strategies for implementing the interactive pedagogies in an effective way. The sample size was the 235. (N#235). 200 students (grade 11 & 12), 30 teachers (mathematics teachers) and 5 experts were the sample of this research study. This study used mixed method in design. Both quantitative and qualitative data was collected. The quantitative data was collected through observation checklist, pre-test, and post-test while qualitative data was collected through interview. The quantitative data collected through observation was analysed through frequency and %ages while pre-test, post-test was analysed through paired sample t-test by entering the data into SPSS 20 version. Qualitative data collected was analysed through thematic analysis.

Key words: Interactive, Academic, Elementary, Students

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