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RMJ. 2020; 45(1): 230-232

Effect of preoperative use of ibuprofen on the efficacy of inferior alveolar nerve block in patients with irreversible pulpitis

Mohsin Ali Dehraj, Feroze Ali Kalhoro, Muhammad Ilyas Shaikh, Kelash Kumar, Safia Shaikh, Irum Naz.


Objective: To assess the effect of preoperative Ibuprofen in patients undergoing treatment for symptomatic irreversible pulpitis in inferior alveolar nerve block (IANB).
Methodology: A total of 78 patients with 1st and 2nd mandibular molars were randomly allocated into group 1 of 39 patients who received 400 mg ibuprofen and in group 2 of 39 patients, who received identically appearing gelatin capsules (placebo) 30 minutes prior the administration of IANB. Access cavity was prepared by Endo access bur, and pulp was removed with barbed broach. The outcome was taken as failure if the patient felt pain during endodontic access and pulp extirpation and no pain was considered successful IANB. Efficacy was evaluated in term VAS score
Results: The average age of the patients was 36.32±9.34 years. VAS score showed that 82.1% patients had no pain in group 1 while 35.9% had no pain in group 2 (p=0.0005).
Conclusion: Oral premedication with Ibuprofen if given 30 minutes before giving IANB reduced the intensity of pain and resulted in increased effectiveness of block.

Key words: Ibuprofen, pulpitis, inferior alveolar nerve block.

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