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AAM. 2022; 11(2): 160-164

Understanding of research question as a significant feature of scientific study.

Azizur Rahman, Sanila Adil Zafar, Mohd. Zulkifle, Faseeha Eram, Aumir Rasool, Farukh Hasan.


Research is always based on trustworthy and valid facts and the procedures used to collect the data. Scientific procedures and approaches facilitate the research process to achieve excellent output in the study. The formulation of research problem is the first and most important step of a study as a foundation of the building. A researcher must know what the research problem is and how to solve it. That is why; the researcher should be aware of the crucial steps of the selection of research problem before starting research. In this paper, it is tried to project the importance and steps of selection of the real research problem.

Key words: Research, technique, Glass Model, Conceptualization.

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