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Peak expiratory flow rate in dry cell battery manufacturing workers in Nellore district

Lalithamma A, Vadivel S.

Cited by 0 Articles

Background: Carbon block is possibly carcinogenic to humans. Short-term exposure to high concentrations of carbon black dust may produce discomfort to the upper respiratory tract, through mechanical irritation.

Aims and Objective: This study aims to evaluate the impact of the carbon block on the peak expiratory flow rate (PEFR) using Wright’s peak flow meter.

Materials and Methods: Peak flow meter was done by Wright’s peak flow meter. The paired t-test was done to determine the significant difference between the employees and controls.

Results: Peak flow rate was decreased with the duration of the work exposure in the workers compared to controls.

Conclusion: Impairement of Peak Expiratory Flow Rate in carbon rod making workers due to long term exposure of carbon dust.

Key words: Carbon Rod; Peak Expiratory Flow Rate; Wright’s Peak Flow Meter

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