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Effect of mindfulness meditation on attention and visual scanning in elderly people – A randomized control trial

Naren Kurmi, Bhagyalakshmi K, Rekha Kini.

Cited by 5 Articles

Background: World population is aging. Elderly age is associated with decline in cognitive functions.

Aims and Objectives: This study aims to study the effect of mindfulness meditation (MM) on elderly age-induced decline in attention and visual scanning.

Materials and Methods: A total of 100 elderly participants were randomly divided into meditation group (MG; n = 50) and control group (CG; n = 50). MG participants followed 45 days of MM schedule. Six letter cancellation test (SLCT) was used for pre- and post-study evaluation of attention and visual scanning.

Results: There was a significant improvement (P < 0.05) in scores of SLCT for MG participant. There was no significant change in SLCT scores of CG participants.

Conclusion: MM practice counters the elderly age-induced decline in attention and visual scanning.

Key words: Elderly; Mindfulness; Meditation; Attention; Visual scanning; Six letter cancellation test

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