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Genetics Characterization of Fresh Water Clam Spathopsis rubens Using ISSR-PCR Markers

Gihan Mahmoud Elkhodary,Amal Zaki Ghoneim.

Cited by 0 Articles

Spathopsis rubens is a fresh water bivalves distributed in Nile River and its main canals all over Egypt. Four populations of S. rubens on Al- Mahmoudia irrigation canal at Damnhour, Egypt were collected and investigated for morphometric characters and genetic diversity by using inter simple sequence repeats (ISSR). The results declared that both of the length and height measurements of the collected samples from the different locations showed slight significant differences, however, no significant differences between the total weight and the width of the samples has found. High degree of correlation between temperature and total weight, height and length were reported in samples collected from the 3rd location. Genomic DNA from the selected samples of each population was extracted and amplified using ten ISSR primers. The primers (M2, M3, M8, M12, M17, F2, F4, and F9) showed 100% polymorphism. Unweighted pair group method with arithmetic mean (UPGMA) dendrogram characterized the samples of S. rubens into two main definite clusters. The cluster of genotypes 2 and 3 recorded the highest similarity and distance indices at distance of 0.60859, while genotypes 1 and 3 recorded the lowest similarity and distance indices at distance of 0.1716.

Key words: Morphometric analysis; Genetic variation; Bivalves; ISSR markers; Spathopsis rubens

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