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Research Article

EEO. 2020; 19(4): 846-851

Analysis of legislative problems in the field of education during a pandemic

Iroda Umarova, Malika Tursunova.


In this article, the author is analysing legislation in the field of education under conditions of the pandemic and is investigating the extent to which the pandemic has affected the quality of education along with the measures taken by the Republic of Uzbekistan to eliminating obstacles and providing access to education during the quarantine measures. The author is considering certain research of foreign scientists, and is analysing the legislation impositions, regarding education. Considering the complications of online education, the author is comparing results of various research regarding the complications. Based on the result of the analytical work, the author concludes that legislative base during the pandemic was under a reform and hence transformed into a constructive field for development in the future.

Key words: Pandemic, education, online teaching, lecturer, lecturer status, information technologies, motivation, legislation, quality.

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