Binders syndrome is an uncommon congenital facial deformity. It is a rare form of maxillofacial dysplasia with several nasal and mid-face deformities. There has been no literature about anaesthetic concerns regarding this uncommon disorder. Binder's syndrome is associated with difficult airway and difficulty in nasal intubation. Difficult airway cart must be kept ready, both during intubation and extubation. In addition, it is associated with mental retardation, cervical spine abnormalities and dental problems. As perioperative physicians, we must be aware of this anomaly and its peri-operative implications. We hereby describe the anaesthetic considerations in a case of Binder's syndrome in a young female patient presenting for nasal reconstruction.
Key words: Binders syndrome, Maxillofacial dysplasia, Anaesthesia, Difficult Airway, Congenital anomaly, Nasal reconstruction