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Original Article

AJVS. 2021; 71(1): 118-126

Progestagens and Equine Chorionic Gonadotropin Therapy for Synchronization of Ovarian and Estrous Activity in Goats Primed with Prostaglandins, During the Breeding Season

Nelly B. Uvalle-Martínez, Froylán A. Lucero-Magana, Jose F. Vázquez-Armijo, Javier Hernández-Meléndez, Arnoldo González-Reyna.


Two studies were conducted to determine reproductive performance (Estrus, EP, and gestation, GP) and ovarian activity (Follicle numbers, FN, and ovulation rate, OR) in goats (M) and does (P). In the first study, 28 P and 44 M females were treated with progesterone vaginal devices (Conipred-CO) and equine chorionic gonadotropin (eCG) doses of 0 (n = 11 P and 10 M), 200 (n = 11 P and 16 M) or 400 (n = 10 P and 14 M) IU. Dose of eCG affected EP in the P (45 to 90%) and the M (63 to 80%) goats, whereas GP was not affected in neither group (64 to 91% for P and 78 to 80% for M) of goats. In the second study, pubertal does were treated with Chronogest sponges and doses of 0, 100, 200 or 400 IU of eCG (n = 5). The eCG dose did not affect FN, values found were 13, 12, 11 and 11 follicles, respectively, for each dose; whereas, OR was greater (P

Key words: Estrous induction. Gestation. Goats. Ovarian follicles. Reproduction control.

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