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Evaluation of Acute and Sub-Acute toxicity Assessment of Marine Diatom Thalassiosira weissflogii

Ashashalini A, Syed Ali M, Anuradha V, Ravikumar S.

Cited by 1 Articles

Several bioactive compounds from marine microalgae have demonstrated diverse biological activities with positive effects on human health. As new technologies are emerging for the study of bioactive compounds from natural sources, determination of their toxicity profile becomes inevitable. Diatoms are rich in minerals and secondary metabolites were reported as potent anti-cancer agents. The diatoms is potentially effective as a carrier for targeted drug delivery in cancer diseases. In vivo studies have shown no significant symptoms of tissue damage in animal models, suggesting the suitability of a diatoms extract of T.weissflogii. The diatomsÂ’ methanolic extract showed promising avenues for further preclinical studies in texploring their pharmacological potential. In future, these marine diatoms rich in cytotoxic compounds will be harnessed for the discovery of new lead compounds. The diatoms of Thalassiosira weissflogii could be further evaluated for their efficacy against cancer models to achieve targeted delivery and safe treatment.

Key words: Acute toxicity, Biocompatibility, Thalassiosira weissflogii, Sub acute toxicity, Histopathological examination.

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