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Review Article

TAF Prev Med Bull. 2009; 8(2): 177-186


Ruhtan,Başkaya, Yaşar,Keskin, Alper,Karagöz, Hacı,İbrahim,Koç.


Food safety, as well as the human, animal, and plant health are the sectors which are covered wihtin the framework of biosafety. Biosafety covers all the effots spent for the formulation of the policies and legal arrangentments related with the above mentioned sectors. The concept of biosafety involves the production of safe food, development and supply of Genetically Modified Organisms (GMO) and the drugs used in combating and curing of plant and animal diseases, as well as their derivates, and management (control) of the invasive alien species and their genotypes.

Key words: Biosafety, laboratuary biosafety, genetic modify organisms (GMO)

Article Language: Turkish English

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