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Med Arch. 2013; 67(6): 418-422

Impact of Complications and Bladder Cancer Stage on Quality of Life in Patients with Different Types of Urinary Diversions

Alden Prcic, Damir Aganovic, Osman Hadziosmanovic.


Goal: Determine correlation between complications and stage of the disease and their impact on quality of life in patients with different types of ileal urinary derivation after radical cystectomy, and upon estimation of acquired results, to suggest the most acceptable type of urinary diversion. Patients and methods: In five year period a prospective clinical study was performed on 106 patients, to whom a radical cystectomy was performed due to bladder cancer. Patients were divided into two groups, 66 patients with ileal conduit derivation and 40 patients with orthotopic derivation, whereby in each group a comparison between reflux and anti-reflux technique of orthotopic bladder was made. All patients from both groups filled the Sickness Impact Profile score six months after the operation. All patients had CT urography or Intravenous urography performed, as well as standard laboratory, vitamin B12 blood values, in order to evaluate early (ileus or subileus, wound dehiscence, bladder fistula, rupture of orthotopic bladder, urine extravazation) and late complications (VUR, urethral stricture, ureter stenosis, metabolic acidosis, mineral dis-balance, hypovitaminosis of vitamin B12, increased resorption of bone calcium, urinary infection, kidney damage, relapse of primary disease), so as disease stage and it’s impact on quality of life. Results: From gained results we observe that each category of SIP score correlates with different rate of correlation with the type of operation, group, T, N, and R grade, except work category. Average value of SIP score rises depending on the type of operation and T stage. It is notable that there is no difference in T1 stage, no matter the type of operation. So the average value of SIP score in T1 stage for conduit was 20.3, for Abol-Enein and Ghoneim 17.25 and Hautmann 18.75 respectively. Average value of SIP score in T2 stage for conduit was 31, for Abol-Enein and Ghoneim 19.1 and Hautmann 17.8. Average value of SIP score in T3 stage for conduit was 38.03, for Abol-Enein and Ghoneim 18.75 and Hautmann 19.5. SIP score for T4 was present only in patients with conduit performed and average value od SIP score was 40.42. There is a high level of correlation of late complications and psychosocial and physical dimension with their parameters, while for an independent dimension of correlation is not significant. Early complications have insignificant correlation in all categories of SIP score. Conclusion: Upon analyzing quality of life and morbidity, significant advantage is given to orthotopic derivations, especially Hautmann derivation with Chimney modification, unless there are no absolute contraindications for performing this type of operation. Factors which mostly influence quality of life are cancer stage, type of derivation, late complications and patient age. SIP score, as a well validated questionnaire, are applicable in this kind of research.

Key words: QOL, SIP score, radical cystectomy, complications, stage.

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