Research Article |
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DETERMINATION OF THE BEST PROBABILITY DISTRIBUTION OF FIT FOR OZONE CONCENTRATION DATA IN CAMPO GRANDE-MS-BRAZILAmaury de Souza, Bulbul Jan, Faisal Nawaz, Muhammad Ayub Khan Yousuf Zai, Hamilton G. Pavao, Widnei A. Fernandes, Soetânia Santos de Oliveira, Ivana Pobocikova, Jane Rose Leite Larréa Seabra, Marcel Carvalho Abreu, José Francisco de Oliveira Júnior, Gabrielly Cristhine Zwang Baptista. Abstract | | | | This study discussed the behavior of ozone level observed in the atmospheric region of Campo Grande. To determine the best adjusted distribution to describe the ozone co-generation data for the year 2016 in Campo Grande were used 15 functions adjusted for this purpose; the performances of the distributions are evaluated using three test qualities, namely Kolmogorov- Smirnov, Anderson-Darling and ChiSquare test. Finally, the result of the fitted quality test is compared, it was observed that the generalized extreme value distribution provides a good fit for the whole year and the distributions Gamma 3P; lognormal 3P; weibull and Gamma 3P for the seasons of the year: winter, spring, summer, autumn, which are empirically proven to be the most appropriate distribution of data.
Key words: ozone, probability distribution, fit quality tests.